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Collecting modernist jewellery for more than 20 years now + working in the field of design classics + modernism for many years now, I am happy to welcome you here + present my "new" shop allmodern.de to you!
In 1999 moderna_de started on ebay, the results were encouraging. Subsequently, I established 'allmodern.de' in 2003 with jewellery + design objects of the 20th century. Actually, it was one of the best decisions I ever took. I have got to know + met so many interesting people, collectors, gallerists, men + women interested in this wonderful field of interest. The exchange of knowledge with them, the 'hunting' for good jewellery + the growing interest in modernist collector's jewelry will keep me + allmodern running!
Ute Mirbach
Please put the items chosen into the shopping cart by mouse click. You can view the shopping cart any time + change the articles in the cart by deleting them.
After having checked your order once again, you submit the order via mouseclick to us. Your details in the fields marked with * are essential to proceed the order. Your postage cost up to 1000 gr (Europe/US/Japan for registered airmail letter) is 10,- Euro. Personal data will NOT be given to third parties.
We prefer payment by 'international bank transfer', using IBAN and BIC (SWIFT) codes. For customers outside Europe or from UK + Switzerland as well as other non-Euro countries it is also possible to pay through PayPal. At your request we can send you a payment request by e-mail or you can use the PayPal button 'Payment'.
For our complete information about SALES CONDITIONS, RETURNS + WAYS of PAYMENT, please refer to the section Terms and Conditions in the main menu.
For direct help, send an email: hello@allmodern.de or call me +49-172-9531212
If you want to see wonderful pieces with your own eyes, make an appointment or come + pay a visit to design classic duesseldorf, the market-place for design classics + jewellery of the 20th/21st century.
See here: http://www.designclassic.de/
Thanks for your interest, meet you soon!
Ute Mirbach - allmodern
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Rufen Sie an, schreiben Sie eine mail oder besuchen Sie allmodern.de vor Ort in Wuppertal. Termine nach Vereinbarung. +49-172-9531212 (mobile phone Germany)